понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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My body feels horrible :/
Actually, its starting to feel a bit better since meds, but still unwell. I was fine before I ate *sigh*
I can call the doctor in maybe three days...not sure if Iapos;d rather this be something hormonal and therefor normal and over soon, or something else and therefor hopefully fixable.
Either way I think I go bed soon...its 5pm but...unwell. If the "fine before eating" keeps up, weapos;ll be okay for work and Stuff tomorrow, at least.

Normally, we watch the Lost reruns on Scifi on mondays, but apparently today they leave off on the second to last ep of season one...so instead of forcing myself awake I think I shall sleep. ABCapos;s siteapos;s full eps seem to work in our IE, so I can spam myself with those later on or something.
Unfortunately...that means that I may just end up Lost marathoning myself over the weekend or something (>> which would keep the women at work from inadvertently spoiling me). Or maybe thatapos;d be good, since Iapos;d stop forcing myself awake longer on monday nights and thus only getting 4 hours of sleep ^^; (the show ends at 11pm and the alarm doesnapos;t go off till 6am, but we usually end up wide awake till 2am or so :/ sometimes 1 if weapos;re lucky)

God. I hope I donapos;t have to cancel stuff tomorrow. We havenapos;t seen these people in ages and already had to cancel on them once this month (or was it late last month?) due to illness.
...maybe I should call the doctor anyway...beh. At least Iapos;m feeling better emotionally than this morning. Maybe I can play digimons for awhile. Iapos;ve almost completed all the quests in Digimon World: Dawn, so I can move onto Dusk next ;P After I give Diz some of my uber digimans to help us along (For some reason, when we got the games it was decided the Tamer in Dawn would be named for me and Dusk for Diz; the guy has goggles and the chick in Dusk has a hat like one Diz used to wear...I think thatapos;s why it was broken up that way)

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I appear to have survived the weekend� Still have some gear to unpack, but that can happen at a slow pace all the rest of the day.

_A.R the Spoonful of Poison_was in transit" yesterday evening, but has safely coasted in and is ready for me to pick up today.� (Just got back from soccer, and didnapos;t� get out of bed until I had to, to make it to the field on time, so Iapos;ll have to run to the library in a bit.)

Itapos;s a beautiful autumn day, and the refrigerator is full of leftovers.�

Iapos;d say things are pretty good.

Havenapos;t finished the Georgiana book, yet.� Itapos;s very interesting, and gives quite a different view (so far) from that of the movie (The Duchess).�

Her Grace of Devonshire certainly had challenges, but seems much more empowered--and happy--in the book than in the movie.

I imagine that being fabulously rich (even if plagued by self-inflicted gambling debts) as well as the recognized leader of the ton, made up for some of the disappointments in her life.

One of the unexpected attractions in the book is the view of Whig politics, circa the American Revolution.� Itapos;s an engaging slice of things, not often considered on this side of the pond.

Itapos;s also amusing vis-a-vis my recent reading of _The Journal of Mrs. Arbuthnot_.� Arbuthnotapos;s time was just after Georgianaapos;s, but, as Harriet was a raving Tory, and G an ardent Whig, they present passionately contradictory arguments.

Additionally, as luck would have it, George III (a Whig-hating Tory supporter) has been on the throne--and opposing all Georgianaapos;s political efforts--so far in the book, whilst I know that the current Prince of Wales (who happened to be in Gapos;s thrall) will be on the throne, and giving the Toryapos;s a hard time, by the time of Harrietapos;s political journaling.

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Swear I ordered those manga from Amazon two weeks ago... >o>; Want my Fujiyama Hyouta. >____>

Am currently watching History lectures from local station. Itapos;s kind of cool... At 1 AM�on weekdays, one of the local channels that is located at my school broadcasts a televised lecture. I�know Thursdays is World Civ, one day is British Lit, another is Cognitive Psyc... So you can record them and watch later.
But yeah.
It basically translates to that Iapos;m wandering around eBay, looking for Taka-oriented merchandise.
Well, went through 35 pages of eBay stuff.

Did I�mention how much I�loooove Dream Live 5th?
I�am obsessed with "Tennis to wa". Furukawa Yuuta, who plays 4th generation(?) Fuji, has a history of jazz and ballet dance. It shows because he has a nice runway walk. And pretty form. But he canapos;t project his voice terribly well. Not like Kimeru and Aiba. But those two were special.
But yeah, halfway through the song, Taka comes out and sings with him and I�squee as they stare at each other while singing, and Taka blows glitter at Fuji. XDDD So random ghey.

Then flying, singing Tezuka. Srsly.
But I think Iapos;m going to kidnap Furukawa.

Yanagishita Tomo graduated. He was 3rd cast Kaidoh, I�believe, and staid on for 4th cast. But during a rendition of the Regulars, he started crying and missed, like, two verses. And I�wanted to cry. And the fangirls loved him. Nevermind Shirota and his missing one word due to crying during Yume o Tsunage in DL3 (I remember that~?).
In that musical, though... They went through songs that I�hadnapos;t heard since 1st cast. It felt nostalgic.
Too bad the DVD�is sold out. The CD isnapos;t. >P

Preordered the DVD�for Imperial Presence:�Hyotei. There are... Three versions of the musical?�Three different DVDs?�Thereapos;s Seigaku 4th Cast vs Hyotei A Cast (already released?), and Seigaku 5th Cast vs Hyotei B�Cast (release date unknown), and what I�think is a special set of showings in October when Katou Kazuki and Saito Takumi came back to reprise their roles as Atobe and Oshitari.
Anyway, that last stint was the version I�bought. Because 4th cast versus Hyotei A was already sold out.
I�guess if the version Iapos;m getting is pretty much the same in terms of Seigaku... I�havenapos;t had time to get to like either cast much, so I�guess it doesnapos;t matter.�Nevermind the one member of Seigaku cast Iapos;m started to like, Furukawa, is the one thatapos;s being replaced by pretty little Aiba for the 5th cast run. XDD

Ahah, Fairly Oddparents take on a Comic convention. <33
I�love this show.

Having trouble sleeping, which is bad. >o>; Ten hour work day tomorrow.
I�figured it out, and for this pay period (two weeks), Iapos;ll have 95 hours scheduled, and that doesnapos;t count having to stay after closing for coming in early (both of which tends to happen).

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Behhh, just finished my reflection paper.
i hate evaluating self, i just think its pointless.
ppl can just evaluate them 10/10��� -_____- so wats the point???
no one would be tat dumb to evaluate them low...riteeee??? *blink blink*
its like praising urself , which just feeeeels....weird.....

Nywayssssss, let the jobless do the jobless
Tagged by Honehh (I misss u) and..whyapos;d u need to�tag me�my full name?..haha

~ State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.
~ The 10 people I tag are to then follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/ habits and little known facts.
~ No tag backs.

1) Loves Sleepin. - I LOVE�SLEEPING. Period.

2) Late Nights. - Iapos;ll never go to bed until i couldnt stand it. I think�people should spend as much time awake as�they can,�so�the day doesnt end as fast. �cos�otherwise iapos;ll just be SLEEPIN muahaha

3) Loves for Junk. - i love junk. Who doesnt? err, well...err..its not really a weird habit, but...heh theres just nothin else "weird" to write about myself *coughs coughs* ahem...(silence)

4) Long Shower/Bath. - (owh..wats the difference with bath and shower anyways?)�wats the most relaxing thing to do? thats SHOWER when ur happy -�u shower, when ur sad -�u MUST take a�shower. Its the best hmmm..an hour plusapos;s my record..hohoho beat me��� >=D muaha

5) Bras and Undies. - Oh yes. I love em. Alot�lot lot.�guys would agree with me ;D

6) Love for Fries. - Yum yum constantly craving for chips. CONSTANTLY i want one now i get cranky if i dont get it so watch out

7) Honey mayonnaise. - Ever tried rice with honey mayo? yummies

8) Hop down the stairs. - Dont know bout tis, but thats what iapos;ve been told? O___O

9) Stage fright. - eeeeks it not only applies on "stage" but anywhere with crowdss even on buses hate public transports arghh

10) Nails. - constantly peeling nails. And�someoneapos; hates it.�

11)�Piercing. - never get enough of it. :) but i stopped hehe

12)��Pee and Poo. - too lazy to get up to pee or poo. So....iapos;ll just wait til i cant take it anymore =D

13) Lizards. - one word, HATE

14) Soup. - anything with soupapos;s nice, even if its just bovril soup

15) chin on bottle. -recently realised that i like resting my chin on bottles when using pc. The right height maybe? *shrugs, but try it :D

theres still tons more but too bad, it only allows 15..
....ouuuuu,im a weirdddddddooo....naaaaa laaaa laaa laaaaaaaa

- Bin
- Fiq
- Gracieee
- Sheena
- Mauuuuuuuuuunnnn
- Yee Fen
- Petarrrrrrrr
- Markkkk
- SK
- Ril
(u guys better start tagging)

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OK. So, Iapos;ve been noticing all these new friends adding me recently. And well, not to be the party pooper or anything but hey, why so many adds guys? I donapos;t even know you, and as far as Iapos;m concerned youapos;re free to add me as long as I know why you want to read a blog that hasnapos;t been updated for millions and millions of years.

So, sweetie-pies, who are you guys? Please answer, because right now youapos;re sort of freaking me out.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

designing a house addition

Youapos;re my honeybunch, sugarplum
Pumpy-upmy-umpkin, Youapos;re my sweetie pie.
Youapos;re my cuppycake, gumdrop
Snoogum-boogums, Youapos;re the apple of my eye.
And I love you so, and I want you to know,
That Iapos;ll always be right here.
And I love to sing sweet songs to you,
because you are so dear.

And I really think he ought to lose some weight.

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I went into the E.R. Today with even MORE stomach pains. Viktor stayed with me for all of 15 minutes before ditching me to clean. And by clean, I mean play video games. Butt face. Anyway. I ended up sitting there for a goof five or so hours. I had blood drawn. And I a freaking pelvic exam (my very first one done by this creepy old doctor man. "Now just let your legs flop open like a frog"), had to get a tube shoved into my bladder TWICE because my first urine sample was contaminated and the first tube yielded no urine. THEN I was told I had to have an ultrsound on my stomach. Iapos;m like, sweet. I can live with this. But no Aparently the damned doctorapos;s werenapos;t done raping me and ANOTHEr person just HAD to see my vagina. She shoved this scope (that I swear to God was a fifteen inch pencil-thin dildo) up there, too All of this.... Just to tell me there is NOTHING WRONG WITH ME That there is no reason for my stomach pains and that I would have to consult with a G.I. Doctor. *sigh* But I suppose, I got Dairy Queen for having been through so much vaginal trauma in one day.

My grandma is still in the hospital. Doctorapos;s say she at least has the heart of an ox, which is good considering the long history of heart disease in our family. But it still does nothing for her asthma/diabetes situation. She called me the other to check up on me, and she having an attack on the phone and had to actually REST afterwards because just talking wears her out. I feel really bad that I havenapos;t visited her yet. But I canapos;t see my Nana like that. I dunno. Maybe Iapos;m just selfish, but I just canapos;t handle seeing her so weak and helpless. Iapos;m a terrible person.

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